Monday, January 11, 2016

Snail Mail letter Jan 11 2016

My family,
I didn't get a chance to email today, again...  I'm sorry about that, especially since I just told you that there shouldn't be any problems emailing.  This time, I can blame a cyclone for knocking over the internet tower.  The storm began on Saturday, maybe 1, or 2 am, and lasted until this morning (Monday). But, the cyclone itself technically didn't arrive until Sunday.  The storm lasted about 60 hours, and it was a category 3 cyclone.  It's very possible that was the only cyclone I'll experience on my mission, but then it's also possible to have another tomorrow.  I'm sending you a picture I drew during the cyclone.  It's not very good, but I thought if S is sending me drawings, I should send something back.

Elda Van Wagenen

P.S. I'll send a letter every week I don't email, and I only have 2 more envelopes after this one, and my goal is to not need buy more from failing to email!

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